Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Photoshop exercise #1

I entered the photoshop beginners contest entitled "caution". It was so much fun! Pls leave me a comment if you like it!



Monday, February 26, 2007

My response to Cut-up method

After reading the three pages article about Cut-up method, I have an idea that this reading and the first reading that we did before (use of forms) can be fragmented into pieces and be recombined into a “new” article.
The basic idea of this reading introducing the Cut-up method is quite the same as the Use of form reading. In this article, the artist Burrough not just focused on “recombination”; he emphasis the “randomness”. Instead of focusing on preexisting objects or artworks, he used lots of textual elements to explain his ideas. The largest difference is the “consciousness” of artists in making the artwork. Like photographers and writers, their best works may be accidents. Unlike the artists mentioned in Use of forms who may have plans before making the artwork, accidental happenings are the premier idea that Burrough suggested.
However, I also found some similar ideas that I have learned throughout the whole class. “Poetry is for everyone” have been mentioned at least three times in the article. For me, I think the sentence is meaning: Art belongs to everyone. Everyone can be an artist and artworks are subjective and unable to please everyone on earth. Artworks are very personal products of artists, therefore, as Burrough mentioned: there maybe special meanings or code messages for the cutter himself/ herself.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My response to DADA~

After browsing around the DADA website, I am interested in the pieces of Art works shown in different categories. The most impressive part for me is that the idea or the concept adopted by Dadaist is consistent with what we have read from the first reading “the use of form”. In our reading, we explored about the recombination of art works of different forms, for instances, the remix of music by deejay. However, in the website, it is more focusing on artworks using “readymade” elements as tools.
Furthermore, there is another idea I found in the website, in common with our reading. That is, everything could be art, even the daily candy wrappers, pictures, or words printed in different fonts.

I looked at Schwitter's artwork, he adopted at least two kinds of technique in his works. Artwork #1, Artwork #2

On artwork #1, assemblage of wood, oil, metal, and board on board, with artist's frame were used as material. These material are all things that we may use in daily lives. So this is the collage technique.

On artwork #2, in this piece of artwork, not only collage was adopted, with the use of different size and types of fonts, typography is used.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

My feeling after producing the journey~

After producing my journey from Hong Kong to here, I realized Janet Cardiff’s work is not an easy task. It is so difficult to compose a smooth journey. With the aid of different techniques, like Amplifying, Fade-in, Fade-out, and sound volume, it became more like a “Real” journey. The aircraft noise keeps flowing in my head now. I tried to use some common sound that listener may know without my explanation. So that when people listen to my journey, they can understand and involve in it.

Here are my attribution to the sound I have downloaded from free sound project.

January 30, 2007
By jppi_Stu (
sw_brushing_teeth.wav (
By dobroide (
20070120.collared.dove.02.flac (
20070117.door.wav (
By genghis attenborough (
Pied Bushchat male on hill.wav (
By kerouacsamerica (
Charlie-AMB-Plane.mp3 (
By samplecat (
microwave ding.WAV (
By acclivity (
FlightNoise.flac (
By HerbertBoland (
MobilePhoneRadio.wav (
By WIM (
toet00.wav (
February 1, 2007
By zippi1 (
sound-cough2.wav (
By Heigh-hoo (
1_walking_for_the_gate.wav (
By Corsica_S (
STE-021 prepare for landing english.flac (
February 6, 2007
By digifishmusic (
Inflight Landing Warning.mp3 (
By HerbertBoland (
TreinBoemel_kort.wav (
February 7, 2007
By Corsica_S (
small group walla.flac (
STE-010 crowd noise 2.flac (
By acclivity (
FlightTakeOff.flac (
By Bram (
06-airplane-landing-overhead-zaventem.wav (
By zippi1 (
sound-tel_busy.wav (
By harri (
telephone_tone_1.mp3 (

Thursday, February 1, 2007

My response after listening to Janet Cardiff's work- Whitechapel walk

After listening to her work, Whitechapel walk, I feel little bit tired. Although it is not long journey, I have to use my mind to imagine the pictures that she want me to see. At the beginning, it was relaxing and enjoyable. However, the clip became more and more personal, which bored me a bit. She starts to talk about her grandma, her dog, her dream and her kiss… the freaky voice of a man is like a spirit haunting her, which make me felt uncomfortable. I have no idea what role he was playing, because they sometimes have conversations, but sometimes just like the man talking in air.
However, I appreciate the way she sees things. She can describe some minor things in very detail ways. For instance, when she passed by the lecture room, I could really imagine how the teacher gave lessons to her students. A full picture existed in my mind. My feeling is like being a blind person, led by her for a walk. It is interesting!

My response to the radio interview with Janet Cardiff

Before I clicked into the radio interview, I expected it to be a talk between the artist and the DJ. However, after I played the clip, I found it more like an introduction program of the artist. Janet Cardiff is a Canadian artist. Frankly, I like this interview very much. It’s because the closeness of sound brought me to another world, the world of Janet Cardiff. At the beginning, they just talked about the daily journeys that Cardiff may bring listeners to. When listeners pressed the “Play” button of her audio CD, they have to “surrender” and be absolute obedience to what she told us to do. For example: let’s walk down the stairs, blah blah... or even instruct the listeners to press “Stop” button at the end of the clip. Listeners walk into the world, which partially belongs to them. My favorite part of her audio was her voice. Her flat tone voice narrated the journeys and the stories that she composed. Especially with the aid of her 3-level spatial structure, listeners can have closer contact to the sound, and the technology device human ear processes make sound in her work intense and vivid. When Cardiff talks, her voice is so close as it is coming out from my head.

She may bring listeners to relaxing natural environment, but she may also bring listeners to travel through time and space to the past, revealing the actual scene of history. In the interview, they played a short clip of her work “The missing voice”, which is probably about the situation of London during WWII. She is able to bring sense of memories and danger to listeners. In my opinion, she is like writing a novel in an audio way. She tries to make listeners experience what she experiences, and try to make connections between individuals, which is quite meaningful and interesting. She mentioned one point that I totally agree with, she said people tends to filter out 90% of sound around us in our daily life. That is also my ambition in my audio project, to find out the sounds that may easily neglected and bring them together in my journey.
After listening to this interview, I would like to know more about this artist. I will try to browse for her art works and post some opinion after doing that.

Audio exercise

This is my first attempt to make audio clip. I used two different sound found in Free Sound Project and they are sound made by different instruments. Though it's just a short piece, hope you enjoy it!

The following are the samples I downloaded while making the audio clip:

Samples used from Freesound
January 25, 2007
By bunkum b (
funky rythm.wav (
By TheGreenSwitchDilemma (
scratch5.wav (
By sonicfire (
ambienza-sequencer-04-cmaj.wav (
By Andrew Duke (
not.wav (
By DaveN (
Bold_Lead_f5.wav (
By boybohemian (
TommysBass_01.wav (