Monday, January 22, 2007

My own response to the essay

After reading the essay, I’m quite confused about what is the underlying meaning of detournement. Yet, it is interesting that the writer connected Music, Movie and furniture in one single theme. The focus of the essay was on the “re-produce” art work base on “established/ old” artwork from others. There are artists speaking on both sides about it’s uprising popularity. For me, I think the foremost consideration is the respect pay for the originally producer. According to the writer, not only music, all kinds of art is personal. When an artist composes an art product, his/her own view and perception must have poured in it. Similar case to that, reediting preexisting product means another ones perception is involved. Therefore, twisting or altering is inevitable. "Not to be offensive" is the prime consideration.
Like deejaying, different kind of music can represent different people’s characters. At the same time, its existence is for catering different people’s need. Here is a link to DJ Mark the 45 King website. There is a Virtual mixer that everyone can use to make their own music according to their preference. It is funny because anyone can remix their own song by their own preference. Do-it-yourself became an popular culture nowadays.

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